1. Relax: Needless to say the wedding is a very tiresome ceremony especially for the bride and groom so, after all the post wedding rituals are over, take time out for yourself and relax. Go to a spa and have a massage or simply just sleep at home.
2. Return Gifts With Thank You Notes: Your friends and family traveled from near and far to be with you on your special day. Now it’s high time to pack return gifts and give it to your friends and family. Grab this opportunity to tell them that they have made your big day very special.
3. Unpack Gifts: This is the most exciting part. Unpack all the gifts you got, to see what your best friend has given to you and what your distant relatives have gifted you. Enjoy unpacking your wedding gifts with your spouse.
4. Wedding Album: After the wedding, you or you family must post your wedding pictures on Facebook or other social media. You should order for a wedding album to make your special moments captured and whenever you want to recall it you can open that album and remember that big day of our life.
5. Visit Temple: Before starting a new journey of life, we must take blessing from our God. Whatever religion you belong to, be in church, temple, mosque, gurudwara with your spouse. Feel grateful for all the blessings. Be thankful to god for your partner as marriage is a very precious and blissful ceremony.
6. Make Your Room Truly “YOURS”: When the bride enters into new life, it’s imperative for her to own the room in her ways. She can set up the cupboard for both of them, get new bed sheets, decorate her room and adore her life. After you are free from all the post wedding rituals brides. Brides, it’s high time for u to unpack your bags and settle your new cupboard.
7. Check Your Wedding Website And RSVPs: We are sure you have created your wedding website. After the wedding, you can check all RSVPs and say thanks to them. If you want to continue your wedding website and want to share your special moments with your friends and family, you can post your big day pics at your wedding website or you can take it down after the big day. But we would suggest making it lifelong as you can share your love life story after your wedding, you can share your family pics, can share about your family trips, your kid’s pics and much more….
8. Wedding Dress: If you’re planning on keeping your wedding dress for long, you should have your dress professionally cleaned as soon as possible. Never forget that the dress that made your big day. After the wedding is over, dry clean it on other occasions in life as well.
9. Plan For Post Wedding Activities: There are various activities after the wedding for the couple except rituals like planning for the honeymoon, post-wedding photo shoot. You should use this time to make arrangements for such activities.
10. Be Happy: Now, that you’ve entered the new phase of your life, stay happy with your decision and feel grateful. Don’t complain. It takes years to build up a bond and just a second to break them. So make the most if it and be happy for this moment.